Sunday, 15 February 2015

A Dummy's Guide to Restaurant Terminology

Winnipeg is blessed with a multitude of restaurants of every variety you might want to name. There are places on the internet that will tell you that Winnipeg has more restaurants per capita than any other city in North America. Whether or not this is true, I cannot say, but we all know that pretty much everything on the web is true.

The nice thing about having so many restaurants to choose from is that a great many of them are really good. By a simple process of natural selection, the bad ones die while the good ones flourish. We have several restaurants which we consider our favourites and which we frequent on a fairly regular basis (one of the things about being retired is that you have more time to eat out. The fact that you are actually earning less income does not occur to retired people). But even though we have several favourites, it’s also nice to try out new ones from time to time to see what other undiscovered favourites might be lurking out there.